This documentation is a revised edition of the
MICE documentation of
National Support Centre London
Revision by Jens Elkner (

Other User documentation

Starting wbimport

Wbimport is designed to be used to support a wb session. It seeks a session to control and cannot operate without one. If there is more than one wb session running on the workstation, you may specify the window id of the relevant one using the -id: parameter. If you do not specify a session, wbimport will display a windowed list of all the currently running wb sessions from which you may select one.

To specify the input files - slides or other documents - you list them in a separate file and the program is invoked with the name of this container file:

wbimport slides.list
The container file slides.list must be in the format slide-name followed by file-name as:
      one  slide_02
      two  slide_03
      three  slide_04
      summary slide_05
Slide-name will appear as the page identification on the hold button at the foot of the whiteboard.

Wbimport provides the following command-line parameters:

-display: X display name
-id: wb window id
The relevant window id where there are more than one current wb sessions
-tmp: tmp filename
-scan: scan command to exec
-prop: Import X property name
Print summary of command-line options and abort