Squid cache.log

Error and debugging messages of particular squid modules


[Timestamp1]| Message
When the event occured (Year/Month/Day Hour:Minute:Second)
Description of the event

ERR_READ_TIMEOUT The remote site or network is unreachable - may be down.
ERR_LIFETIME_EXP The remote site or network may be too slow or down.
ERR_NO_CLIENTS_BIG_OBJ All Clients went away before tranmission completed and the object is too big to cache.
ERR_READ_ERROR The remote site or network may be down.
ERR_CLIENT_ABORT Client dropped connection before transmission completed. Squid fetches the Object according to its settings for `quick_abort'.
ERR_CONNECT_FAIL The remote site or server may be down.
ERR_INVALID_REQ Invalid HTTP request
ERR_UNSUP_REQ Unsupported request
ERR_INVALID_URL Invalid URL syntax
ERR_NO_FDS Out of file descriptors
ERR_DNS_FAIL DNS name lookup failure
ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED Protocol Not Supported
ERR_CANNOT_FETCH The requested URL can not currently be retrieved.
ERR_NO_RELAY There is no WAIS relay host defined for this cache.
ERR_DISK_IO The system disk is out of space or failing.
ERR_ZERO_SIZE_OBJECT The remote server closed the connection before sending any data.
ERR_FTP_DISABLED This cache is configured to NOT retrieve FTP objects.
ERR_PROXY_DENIED Access Denied. The user must authenticate himself before accessing this cach e.